
Botulinum Toxin A Treatments

Anti-wrinkle Treatment - One Area.

Price from £195

Women from £195
Men from £230

We offer one, two or three areas of anti-wrinkle treatments. This is where we treat either or all of the following: Frown lines between the brows Forehead lines Eye lines aka crows feet Male muscles tend to require more product therefore are charged at a slight increase of £230

Anti-wrinkle Treatment - Two Areas

Price from £220

Women from £220
Men from £260

We offer one, two or three areas of anti-wrinkle treatments. This is where we treat either or all of the following: Frown lines between the brows Forehead lines Eye lines aka crows feet Male muscles tend to require more product therefore are charged at a slight increase of £280

Anti-wrinkle Treatment - Three Areas

Price from £240

Women from £240
Men from £305

We offer one, two or three areas of anti-wrinkle treatments. This is where we treat either or all of the following: Frown lines between the brows Forehead lines Eye lines aka crows feet Male muscles tend to require more product therefore are charged at a slight increase of £325

Brow Lift

Price from £155

Concerned with low brows and want a brow lift without the surgical commitment? Using anti-wrinkle treatment we can strategically place the product in the brow to give a subtle eyebrow lift. This treatment lasts 3-4 months.

Downwards Turned Smile

Price from £155

Low-dose anti-wrinkle injections can temporarily tighten the DAO muscles and counteract the downward smile that tends to increase with age. This raises the corners of the mouth and softens the impression of a “sad smile”.

DAO muscle relaxing injections can also reduce the appearance of lines, wrinkles and dimples around the chin.

Gummy Smile

Price from £195

Here we relax the muscles that control the upper lip, this subtly drops the inner part of the lip to reduce a gummy smile appearance


Price from £300

Do you suffer from excessive sweating? With a few tiny injections this can be relieved for up to 4 months!

Lip Flip

Price from £160

If you’re looking to increase the size of w your lips subtly without filler then look no further. Why not meet our prescriberle for a consultation and we can use Botulinum’s Toxin to rellax the muscles in the upper lip, dropping the lip to give a fuller and larger top lip without the need for fillers. Subtle and natural. 

The prescribers fee is included in the price.

Migraine Relief

Price from £250

Suffer from migraines? Used as a preventative treatment Botulinum Toxin A can provide the relief you need when suffering from chronic migraines. Lead Nurse Harriet used to suffer too, so knows how debilitating they are and how relief is priceless.
After a full assessment we can price up a migraine relief package that can relieve symptoms for up to 3-4 months. Using anti-wrinkle treatments in key muscles we can help to make you migraine free.

Platysma Band / Nefertiti

Price from £250

We can reduce the Platysma Bands in the neck to give a more youthful appearance. In turn this helps to reduce the effect of jowls in the lower face. Overall a quietly popular treatment!

Skin Tags, Milia, Morgan De Campell Removal

Price from £80

We use advanced electrolysis to remove these other skin conditions. A small electrical current is passed safely through the blemish to remove. The price is for the amount of time, you can have as many areas treated as we can fit in the 30 minutes treatment time.

Thread Vein / Spider Vein Removal

Price from £220

Advanced electrolysis is very effective for removing thread veins. It involves inserting a very fine needle into the thread veins and applying a tiny amount of electric current. The needle destroys all the tissue it touches and the body then heals and repairs the area. The vein disappears. This can be used on any body part for a maximum of 20 minutes per session.

TMJ/Masseter Reduction

Price from £250

By using Botulinum Toxin A to relax the TMJ facial muscle we can slim down your jaw, stop you from grinding your teeth in your sleep, and stop jaw clenching. This in turn can relieve neck pain, migraines and toothache.

The prescribers fee is included in the price.


Yummy mummy package

Yummy Mummy package is appointments

per appointment –

2x area Fat Freezing

2x Fat Melting and Inch Loss and Skin Tightening

Lymphatic Drainage

3x LED Belt

Skin Booster or Microneedling

Complimentary Dermaplaning if wanted

RRP £2250


£1350 / 3 appointments = £450 a month

Payments are made through GoCardless each month as a standing order

Ultimate Abdo package

Ultimate Abdo is 3 appointments

per appointment –

Upper Abdomen Fat Freeze

Lower Abdomen Fat Freeze

Upper and lower Fat Melting, Inch Loss and Skin tightening

Complimentary LED Belt



£900 / 3 appointments = £300 a month

Payments are made through GoCardless on a standing order each month